The Haunted Mather’s House
The Mather’s House is only a very short walk from the Anderson Home.
This is once again a heritage home owned by the City of Burnaby and was also a family home built in 1912, bought by the same Benedictine monks along with the Anderson Home.
The one big difference is, this used to be convalescent home for soldiers wounded during World War I. It is also now a heritage home and even now is a creepy home to visit.
Some of the better known events are bygone toys being thrown around and strange lights being seen. Others still have been so frightened that they no longer return.
If this home interests you and you have the nerve, have a visit some time and see if you will want to come back again.
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Is it open to the public?
Is it open to the public i have heard at imes you can go see the house. as to going inside i dont know if theh still alow that. best bet is visit the deer lake area and see all the great places around the area and see if the house is open. I believe you can check out the web and find out that way as well.
I went to art school at shadbolt until I was 17. Most of my classes were in Mather House. Some friends from my class and I were let in to the upper most level, which we thought was the attic but a series of extremely small rooms led me to believe they were the maids chambers. (a door which i always assumed was a closet was actually the door to the staircase). The rooms were (in 2004) used for storage for the original furniture and belongings of the home. I remember distinctively a chaise lounge, an icebox, lots of toys including a Teddy bear. The newspaper used to wrap the belongings was dated 1927. We also climbed into the top of the tower, the tower was empty.
Thanks for sharing your story, that is so neat you were able to be there in that capacity!
I used to take ballet class here. I was also very curious as to what was in the upstairs (thought was an attic) portion of the house. I never experienced anything, but always felt a strange sense that there was more to the building than I knew. I took dance there around 1986. I also had dance class in the dance studio in the top floor of James Cowan Theatre.
What is the actual address of this house?
I woked graveyard shifts cleaning at James Cowan back in the 90's. I had a few very strange experiences there, hearing multiple voices a couple of times. The voices wete always muted, but still you could make out conversations. Some of the studio's would make me feel very uneasy upon entry, but the worst were the dressing rooms at the back of the stage.i have worked all over the city at night and never exoerienced anythig like that place. Thankfully I no longer have to work there. I still work for the city, otherwise I would gladly give my name.What people say about that place is true.
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