Fairacres, Burnaby, BC
The Most Haunted House At Deer Lake
Now when people talk about a haunted house in BC, you’re sure to hear of Fairacres—also known as the Ceperley Home and now a-days The Burnaby Art Gallery.
The history of this home is long and filled with both good and bad peices of history. Because of its colorfull past, there has arisen may tales of the hauntings that go on in and outside this historic home.
The home was built between 1909, and from what I can find, completed in 1911 for an estamated $150,000 dollars. It was also bought by the Benedictine Monks in 1939 and was only in 1992 desgnated a heritage home.
The haunting which have been said to exist include, the hearing of strang sounds and voices. But the most popular one is seeing Mrs. Ceperley herself walking around.
Have a visit sometime to the The Burnaby Art Gallery and see if you are lucky or unlucky enough to see or her something strange.
If you wish to learn a lot more, visit Mr. Robert C. Belyk and check out his books on haunted places’s. You will find it very interesting indeed.
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