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Tuesday, September 7, 2021

A Story of Levitation

I have experienced levitation in the past, a few times. Of objects, not people. Some of those objects though, include ones being touched by people. I have always thought it has more to do with human energy control, rather than a ghost, but then it has also occurred when there are other unexplainable things happing in the area. So I am still undecided. My most favourite story of levitation, which doesn’t involve me, involves people very close to me. 
 Back when I was young and into all that stuff, this person scoffed at me and my friends, made fun of us because he didn't believe anything we claimed we experienced and didn’t believe it when we would do in front of him. It was nope nope nope, you gals are lying, or making it up, or doing it yourselves. He just absolutely refused to believe it was anything but us purposely moving things/causing things to happen. 

So fast forward many years when said person and his friends move into a house that also turned out to be haunted (another story, but I shall not be telling it). 

One night around Halloween he had some friends over and one brought a Ouija board. After playing around for a few minutes one person has their end of the planchette lift off the board. Person thinks to themselves “oh, the other person is trying to trick me and is pushing down hard on their side to make this side lift”. Person does not say anything out loud and eventually the planchette comes back down. Then the other person experiences the same thing, and that person thinks the same thing, that the other person is trying to pull a fast one on them. This goes on for a while, with no one is saying anything because everyone is thinking each other is doing it on purpose…. 


 Well, since none of them actually expected that to happen (even though by then they were discovering it was quite possibly a haunted house), they screamed, freaked out…ran out of the house. They spent the rest of the night until morning down at the beach. Once it was light out, they went back and person said to his friend…get your board out of my house. I am not going in until it is out. 

Ah, it was quite the todo. After that, they didn’t speak of it. They all refused to acknowledge what happened and refused to ever play the Ouija game again.

Thanks for reading!  

Friday, October 9, 2020

Morgue Ghost Tours

Our always-popular Morgue Ghost Tours return this October 10th and 24th! Join @npi and @paranormalspectrumbc as they...

Posted by Vancouver Police Museum & Archives on Thursday, September 10, 2020

Sunday, March 29, 2020

Canada Day 2020

Hi everyone I wanted to update those of you that have been following NPI through out the years. Firstly due to the ongoing Covid 19 pandemic. NPI has suspended all current investigations and events until the situation has cleared up and the government has given the ok to get back to normal.

One of the biggest events NPI has done over the years is the local Canada day celebrations here in Coquitlam BC. We at NPI have enjoyed the many years of fun and public interaction that has come with this event. However I as founder have talked with the group members and we have decided to look towards a few new and exciting paths for our future.

That being said. NPI has decided to step back from the Canada Day celebrations for the foreseeable future. We would like to thank all the great people that dropped by our booth over the years and we hope you enjoyed our talks, information and evidence shared.

NPI will update everyone very soon on where we will be and what we will be doing. Stay tuned and if you have any questions or require and help Please remember we are a call or email away. Thank you all.

Darryl Pearson
Northern Paranormal Investigations
TAPS family member

Saturday, March 30, 2019

Blog Under Construction!

The blog is currently being updated, so please ignore anything that looks a little broken.  Thank you for your patience!

Tuesday, June 19, 2018



Visit team members from Northern Paranormal Investigations at Coquitlam's Town Centre Park on Sunday July 1, 2018.  

NPI's tent will be located on the Community Drive from 12:00PM to 6:00PM.

Admission is FREE!

Check out the city's website for more information: 
We will have EVP to listen to, and photos/videos to see.

Come by and tell us your own haunting stories, we would love to hear them!
You can also email them to We will share your story on our website/blog. 

We hope to see you all there! 

Image result for celebrate canada day clip art

Saturday, June 16, 2018

Hi Everyone,

I have been a tad late on responding to some of the comments left for us on the posts we have made.

First off, the New Westminster School post; we have recieved a notable response that the story posted is not real or correct. We thank you for letting us know, but it is something we were already aware of. We do post ghost stories that are JUST ghost stories. It seems we have upset a few people and we appoligize for that.

We also noted the response to the Chinlac murder site. Apparently this was spelt wrong, but it was a ghost story shared as it was heard. We have since be told that the correct spelling is Chun-Lac. We appreciate having learnt this and look forward to trying to learn more about the truth.

NPI will be looking into these ghost stories in the future and while we do, please send us your thoughts/stories/explanations on what you might think or know the truth is.

You can send your information to, and we will share on the blog here.  If  you wish to remain anonymous, please let us know in the email, so we can keep your name out of the posting.

Thank you for your support and understanding.

Darryl Pearson

VPI guest investigator

Last year NPI had a public reveal at the historic Vancouver Police Museum. We had a number of VIP people join us for the night of which 2 won an opportunity to join NPI on a later investigation. One of those winners recently joined us at the historic Bernie Legge Theatre in New Westminster BC. Here is her experience.

NPI Paranormal Investigation Experience

Recently my partner and I had the rare experience to join the NPI team on a paranormal investigation they were doing in the New Westminster area, and what an experience it was. We had won the opportunity as VIP’s at the Vancouver Police Museum’s reveal of what the team had experienced in that building during an investigation back in the fall.
Having had experiences myself in the past with loved ones reaching out and a possible inherited ghost cat in our house, I am a believer but also a cautious skeptic. I was looking forward to hearing some of the others personal experiences which they openly shared with us.
Right from the very beginning of the evening, the team was incredibly welcoming and shared their wealth of knowledge not only about the property but also about their process and the impressive array of equipment they use. While the team set up, Ken gave us a tour of the venue and explained the extensive history of the building. Having that knowledge in our minds, I believe, added to the experience of being in the space and feeling the energies it held.
Once all the gear was set up and the lights went out, the night really got going. I was fascinated by the types of questions the team asked and the background they had on specific entities that have been known to inhabit or visit the property. The range of prompts for activity from the team really blew me away. I, of course, have the movie or television stereotypes in mind, knowing it’s not really like that but I did find the range of questions and the approach of each team member incredibly interesting.
We started our first EVP session on the main floor of the building and spent approx half an hour there, reaching out to anyone wanting to come forward and make contact with us. There were a few instances of cold breezes and shadows as well as individuals feeling chills or ringing in their ears. The ringing in the ears was something I had not known to be an indication of activity. Again, fascinating.

After that, we headed into the basement portion of the property. Now I should say here that the overall feeling in this building, for me, was not one of danger or evil. It’s an exciting and energetic environment from day to day and I never felt anything threatening…until toward the end of the evening and I’ll get to that. Our second EVP session was held in one half of the basement. There seemed to be a fair bit of activity in this part of the building. Many of the team members began to feel different types of activity, not all of it positive . Once we wrapped that session we took a small break to chat about what occurred in the basement and how everyone was feeling. I could tell there was excitement but also a little apprehension to head into the other half of the basement based on the feelings from the last session. This portion of the building had a slightly darker past. We set up in this space and turned the lights out. Almost right away, a K2 EMF reader positioned over the head of team member Nikki started to spike.

The meter did this throughout the session. At times it seemed to spike in response to certain questions. This was the space I started to feel uncomfortable in. Many of the members were getting feelings of an unhappy and possibly malevolent spirit. A few of the members were responding to darker feelings and therefore starting to ask more intense questions in a more forceful tone. At that point, for me, the mood changed. I believe I was feeling what the others were more in-tuned to and that energy was making me incredibly anxious. We ended that session and headed back upstairs to catch our breath and share our experiences from that space. A smaller group of NPI team returned to the basement to carry out one more session to finish out the evening.
And that concluded our time with NPI team. I cannot thank Darryl, Nikki, Holly, Connie, Ken, Mike, Bev, Ray and the people at the venue for allowing us to tag along on such an amazing experience. I look forward to hearing and seeing any of the additional material the equipment was able to pick up during our investigation.

Between all the members of the NPI team, the wealth of knowledge and experience is vast and for them to share that with completely inexperienced newbies was such a treat.
If you ever get the opportunity to join an investigation, I highly recommend you grab the chance.

Thanks again,

Thursday, May 3, 2018

NPI has been busy as always. However recently we had the opportunity to work with a great group of people from the show Daily Planet. It was a long night but the final result was great to see.
Please have a look and let us know your thoughts.

Our segment starts at about the 5:12 & is the second story of the night :)

Saturday, December 30, 2017


THE VANCOUVER POLICE MUSEUMAs most of you know the NPI family has had an ongoing relationship with the popular and very historic Vancouver Police Museum here in Beautiful Vancouver B.C.
Well over the last while we have had a chance to investigate the location more then a couple times :) So we thought we would pass along a short video of a few of our evp's captured over time. So sit back relax and enjoy the next 2 mins :)

Saturday, October 7, 2017

Vancouver Police Museum Public Reveal

HI everyone NPI has been busy as of late looking into the very historic Vancouver Police Museum in downtown Vancouver. It has been a great experience doing our investigations and some cool things have been caught by the team.

So NPI along with the curator and the directer of the museum. We have come worked and put together a great event. On November 4th there will be a public reveal and for a few VIP guests a special after event investigation. So check out the link below and join us at the museum and find out if the ghosts of past years still walk its halls.

Click on link for information and tickets :)  Vancouver Police Museum