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Saturday, July 19, 2014

Historic Investigation - July 19, 2014

Well, getting all our gear ready for tonight's investigation.  This will be the first time this historic location is investigated for paranormal occurrences.  We might get nothing, or we might capture some pieces of history. 
This location is large and the history behind it is so interesting.  At this time we can't share the details/location/history etc., but hope to be able to do so in a few months.
I purchased some new equipment recently and had great success with it at the last investigation I was at (will post about that one soon).  I can't wait to try it out again tonight, if the atmosphere allows it.  Sometimes, certain types of equipment just aren't able to be used in certain locations.  For example, if you investigation a location that has high EMF due to the make-up of the place (equipment, wiring, compounds etc), then an EMF meter/detector/trigger object/etc. will be completely useless and other equipment will need to be used instead.
I will also update in a couple days how our investigation went, even if nothing happens.  So stay tuned for that and other news/happenings/ramblings. 
Enjoy the weekend everyone!
Nikki Peterson
Co-Founder/Case Manager
Northern Paranormal Investigations
TAPS Family Member - Victoria

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