Well, as the days draw closer to Christmas, the team has been very busy both with paranormal related events and personal events. Now that I have some things sorted and out of the way, I am hoping to have more time to post here, share some adventures and keep you updated on this story called life.
The other day we got an emergency call for help, so tonight we will be interviewing the Client and doing a preliminary investigation. I hope we can help this family out, whatever their problems turn out to be, be it paranormal or not.
We are currently going over audio and video from our last investigation at a very old historic building. It was a very interesting night and for me it was even more special as my Dad was there with the Client, as per the Client. I never thought I would get to investigate with my Dad, it's usually my Mom that I talk to about the paranormal stuff, guess I am pretty lucky that both my parents can embrace what I do. I look forward to see what all my team has found in our audio/video/photo, and am excited for when we present to the Client and my Dad.
For those that are celebrating Christmas, I hope your shopping is going well, your decorations are up and the carols are playing!
It's time for me to run off to our prelim, I hope to be able to update you soon on that and other things we have been busy with. I wish everyone a wonderful loving caring day. If you can, share a smile today; it can go a long way in your life and in someone else's.